Certification Testing

I had the pleasure of helping to do the certification test for a new “O” motor from CTI.  By comparison, an “O” motor has 20,480.01 to 40,960.00 Installed Total Impulse (Newton-Seconds).  Compared to a “B” motor which has 2.51 to 5.00 total thrust – a factor of 8192 times ( 213).  Or, in other words, an “O” motor is equivalent to 8,192 “B” motors.  Yes, a big one.

Dr. Jeroen Louwers and Bob Pouliot were also present for the testing.

The videos are about 800kb long to about 4MB long. Depending on the size of your window, you may need to scroll down.

Videos courtesy of:
Canadian Association of Rocketry  – L’Association Canadienne De Fuséologie

First test:

Second test:

Another video of the second test:

Certification Test After Firing
Certification Test After Firing
Certification Test Snow Imprint
Certification Test Snow Imprint
CTI ProX Logo
CTI ProX Logo